天体瑜伽2美若天仙超级美感十足视觉享受Yoga Undressed初学者DVD

    天体瑜伽2美若天仙超级美感十足视觉享受Yoga Undressed初学者DVD价格行情
    天体瑜伽2美若天仙超级美感十足视觉享受Yoga Undressed初学者DVD推广热卖行情
  • 品牌:YogaUndressed
买满包邮    活动日期:2016年02月26日 至 2017年02月26日
单笔订单满 80 包邮地区全国不含香港,澳门,台湾,海外
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Editorial Reviews

A flowing tantric vinyasa yoga practice combining an introduction to kundalini and the essentials of vinyasa hatha yoga, this Beginner DVD will remind you of your joyful, unfettered spirit, as you move from grounding kundalini exercises to sun salutations, warrior poses, standing balances, backbends and twists. Your Body is a Temple, Come Inside and Pay Homage ... Surrender to your natural, authentic being. Return to innocence, a sanctuary for your spirit where you can cultivate strength, grace, intimacy and reverence for your own sacred self. Format DVD; Running Time 45 Minutes. ** PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS TASTEFUL / ARTISTIC NUDITY IN THIS PRODUCT - IT IS EDUCATIONAL IN NATURE ONLY (NO SEX, NO DIRECT / BLATANT ANATOMICAL SCREENSHOTS) **

Amazon Verified Purchase
This is a very good product, well made with excellent technical quality. The poses are good, the nudity is generous, although more closeups would've been good along with more intimate poses. You will like this edition in your collection.
Amazon Verified Purchase
Yoga Undressed will inspire anyone who is interested in yoga, the female model is very beautiful and very flexible. The studio background looks very serene.
As a beginner myself, I found this fairly easy to follow along, the movement and directions between poses I find are sufficient. I consider myself pretty flexible and found it easy to do most of the poses.
This product is excellent and I would recommend it to anyone looking to get started in Yoga.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Very Nicely Done July 10, (咨询特价)
By Patrick
Amazon Verified Purchase
Yoga Undressed will inspire anyone who is interested in yoga, the female model is very beautiful and very flexible. The studio background looks very serene.
As a beginner myself, I found this fairly easy to follow along, the movement and directions between poses I find are sufficient. I consider myself pretty flexible and found it easy to do most of the poses.
This product is excellent and I would recommend it to anyone looking to get started in Yoga.
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5.0 out of 5 stars A welcome addition to any collection. August 7, (咨询特价)
By Adam A. Wanderer
Amazon Verified Purchase
This is a very good product, well made with excellent technical quality. The poses are good, the nudity is generous, although more closeups would've been good along with more intimate poses. You will like this edition in your collection.

